SANAT KUMARA / VENUS Heart of Sacred Fire

When brain’s motivation becomes  “I WANT GOD” 24/7,

then brain is ready to allow the Holy Path of Ascension.

Sanat Kumara/Melchizedek/Venus

Divine Resource Guidance System:

Evolution of the species:


It’s all ENERGY.

What are you going to do with it?”


Would the individual consciously choose to re-think their journey from position of heart?   Brain defines 3D, intelligence, human experience, ego. Heart defines 5D, wisdom, Higher Self, Holy Creator.

Terri Love explores wisdom of heart, guiding the student for their highest good. She shares this wisdom of heart, honoring Beloved Sanat Kumara/Venus.  Inspiration, divine wisdom, practical guidance, 3D Brain complementing 5D heart; describe the sessions shared.

Is there a better way to go about your business? Opening to heart guidance, allowing brain to complement heart; alters perception, interpretation, focus.

Read testimonials of Terri’s sharings with Sanat Kumara.

Balancing feminine/masculine energies within, can bring peace of mind, profound joy of the heart. Within heart/3 fold flame/white fire, resides God Cell. As the student learns allowing heart to guide, brain complementing heart with the experience of human journey, God Cell expands awareness of evolution.

Terri Love, the earthly voice of Sanat Kumara, shares wisdom of heart, complementing body, mind and spirit with practical tools, she has experienced through Divine Resource Guidance System. Heart of Sacred Fire manifests freedom, fulfillment, liberation in your journey.








Sanat Books, CDs and Posters

Back Cover

Click on the image to read the back cover.

Artwork by
Ewa Niemczynska

Book 3: As Above, So Below, Heaven on Earth, Within Me First

If you have ever felt within your Heart, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, you understand, how important it is to ‘return Home’

Sanat Kumara steps forward now in Glorious Divine Vibration of ‘I AM’, guiding you to find Home within your Heart. Sanat teaches, Home is where your Heart is; and with that Divine Awareness, Sanat Kumara validates Heart Chakra, Home of Divine Mind.

His Teachings of Love, Divinely Vibrate JOY. His Spiritual Mentoring Divinely Vibrate Wisdom. His Spiritual Guidance Divinely Vibrates within your Heart, manifesting Heaven within.                   

Domestic Shipping  $10.00
International Shipping $21.00 US

Sanat’s Pyramid of JOY Meditation CD

In this guided meditation, Ascended Master Sanat Kumara walks the listener through His Golden Breathing Technique.

Through His Pyramidal Vortex Energies, Sanat will assist you to LET GO of left-brain negative programming from Limbic System instilled from childhood memories.

Beloved Sanat guides you through Glorious Mantras for healing, and moving forward in the Love & Light of Mother/Father God. (Shared through Terri’s vocal cords.)

Domestic Shipping  $6.00
International Shipping $17.00 US

Special – Save on Shipping!

Order both Sanat’s As Above, So Below, Heaven on Earth, Within Me book and the Pyramid of Joy CD.

Save $5 on US orders.
$12 on international orders

Domestic Shipping  $11.00
International Shipping $26.00 US

Back Cover

Click on the image to read the back cover.

Artwork by
Ewa Niemczynska

Book 2: Part-time Joy, Full-time Joy, Which Do You Choose?

Beloved Sanat Kumara shares His Ancient Wisdom through Terri, assisting the Spritual Student to understand what it is to LET GO of the Ego.

Sanat’s Spiritual Mentoring/Life Coaching enable you to identify stuck energies, in your life, bringing healing within your Heart.

Sanat shares his latest book through Terri, with the Divine Intention that you, the reader, will find answers to questions, freeing you to move forward in the Love and Light of Mother/Father God.

For those of you who are wanting to understand how to surrender to that which created you, Sanat Kumara is here to assist.

Domestic Shipping  $10.00
International Shipping $21.00 US

8" x 10" Picture

Click on the image to view a larger image

Artwork by Ewa Niemczynska

Poster: Hummingbirds of Joy, Sanat Kumara

The Turquoise background represents Beloved Twin Flame Venus

The Peach Flower representing Sanat Kumara, has 12 petals = 3 in numerology.

Sanat (peach flower) holds Shamballa, Sanat Kumara’s Etheric Retreat, which is held in the Etheric Realm over the Gobi Desert.

The Three White Hummingbirds reside within Shamballa, and step forward now bringing Beloved Sanat/Venus Master of Healing Energy = 33

There are 3 turrets pointing upwards from Shamballa, representing your Triune Beingness.

These 3 Divine Energies = 9 bringing you completion  within ‘I AM’.

Domestic Shipping  $6.00
International Shipping $17.00 US

Sanat Kumara’s “Hummingbirds of Joy Meditation CD”

Sanat Kumara brings in the Hummingbird Realm, sharing their Divine Vibration = Illumination of JOY.

Terri guides the listener within, and Sanat/Archangel Michael/Hummingbirds assist you to manifest healing for Heart/Throat/Third Eye.

Heaven is not a place, it is a vibration; Hummingbirds of JOY will teach you how to create Heaven Within.

As Above So Below, Heaven on Earth, Within Me First.

Domestic Shipping  $6.00
International Shipping $17.00 US

Special – Save on Shipping!

Order both Sanat’s Part-Time Joy Book and Hummingbirds of Joy CD

Save $5 on US orders.
$12 on international orders

Domestic Shipping  $11.00
International Shipping $26.00 US

Book 1: The Ascension Dimension

Sanat Kumara has released His book THE ASCENSION DIMENSION, shared through Terri Love and is now available for purchase.

Back Cover

Click on the image to read the back cover

Artwork by
Ewa Niemczynska

Sanat Kumara has some words to share with you about this new book:

“As you look at this picture, you will see at the bottom the Three-Fold Flame, representing Mother/Father God and You stand in the middle of the Sacred Fire.

The Holy Ascension Dimension Cord moves with My Ascended Peach Energy from the Sacred Fire, manifesting Mother/Father God and Nature Consciousness moving up surrounding Beloved Terra at your Throat Chakra,intertwining with the Ascension Dimension Cord, balanced within your Third Eye.

Meditate on this Sacred Portal I have created and My Ascended Peach Energy will surround you 24/7 as you manifest your Light Body.

So Be It and So It Is.”

Domestic Shipping  $10.00
International Shipping $21.00 US

8" x 10" Picture

Click on the image to view a larger image

Artwork by
Ewa Niemczynska

Poster: Sacred Portal for the Ascension Dimension

“As you look at this picture, you will see at the bottom the Three-Fold Flame, representing Mother/Father God and You stand in the middle of the Sacred Fire.

The Holy Ascension Dimension Cord moves with My Ascended Peach Energy from the Sacred Fire, manifesting Mother/Father God and Nature Consciousness moving up, surrounding Beloved Terra at your Throat Chakra, intertwining with the Ascension Dimension Cord, balanced within your Third Eye.

Meditate on this Sacred Portal I have created and My Ascended Peach Energy will surround you 24/7 as you manifest your Light Body.      

 So Be It and So It Is.”

Domestic Shipping  $6.00
International Shipping $17.00 US

Sanat Kumara’s “Heart of Sacred Fire Meditation CD”

This is an expanded version of His meditation in The Ascension Dimension”.

He walks you through the experience of creating and manifesting with your Sacred Ascension Dimension Cord.  Beloved Archangel Metatron’s energy is within this experience also and will greatly benefit you, the Spiritual student as you learn to manifest your Merkabah 24/7.

This meditation is 39 minutes which equates to a ‘3′ in numerology, which is JOY, aka SANAT KUMARA.
(The first 9 minutes is an introduction from Sanat, and 30 minutes of meditation, it is my voice)    9 is completion, and 30 is JOY = YOUR COMPLETION IN JOY!!!!!!!!

Domestic Shipping  $6.00
International Shipping $17.00 US

Special – Save on Shipping!

Order both Sanat’s Ascension Deminsion Book and Heart of Sacred Fire CD

Save $5 on US orders.
$12 on international orders

Domestic Shipping  $11.00
International Shipping $26.00 US

Sanat Kumara Sessions

This beloved Ascended Master shares through Terri information which will assist the Soul to move through all inner dimensions and integrate fully with their physical being. Sanat’s vibration and information quickens Spirit within, healing the Heart Chakra, the Temple of your Threefold-Flame. Those who choose to participate will move forward in the Light and quicken the manifestation of their Light Bodies.

Sanat Kumara held the vision for Beloved Terra (Mother Earth), eons ago when Her vibration was the lowest it had ever been. His selfless act of Love and those 144,000 Soul Groups who followed Him here are now gathering once again and remembering who and what they are. It is in this remembering that Mother/Father God is glorified within our Hearts, and we unite to embrace the Love and Light of All That Is, in a sacred space of sharing Sanat Kumara’s Vibration and essence of LIFE.

His home is on Venus, where He resides with His Twin Flame, Lady Venus. Their Etheric temple, Shamballa, resides over Arizona, New Mexico,  and Texas, within the United States of America, which holds the Electronic Template of our Light Bodies. Sanat Kumara, known as the Ancient Of Days, will share His Love and Light for those who feel drawn to His energy.

Terri Love consciously shares Ascended Master Sanat Kumara for groups and private sessions.

Booking A Session

Book online, below, for a private session

Divine Resource Consultation with Sanat Kumara

Phone session, 60 minutes, CD included

Prices are in US Dollars

Past Life Regression: Guided by Sanat Kumara

Beloved Sanat Kumara will guide the student into an experience that will greatly benefit the understanding of present behavior of brains reaction to situations, positive or negative.

This Divine feedback can be beneficial in your ability to allow healing. Mr. Brain has accumulated patterns through his experience; in which he repeats dysfunction/distortion in present behaviors.

Sanat Kumara will directly guide this session, bringing all energetic fields into conscious awareness, allowing Holy Creator to manifest healing in brains perceptions of past mis-creations (less than) energetic fields.

Group Past Life Regression with Sanat Kumara (Minimum 5 participants) $40.00 each participant.
Teleconference Session 

Private Past Life Regression with Sanat Kumara (recorded) Phone session

For those who have not experienced Sanat Kumara”s guidance through Terri Love; private (recorded) phone session

Future Life Progression: Guided by Sanat Kumara

Beloved Sanat Kumara will guide 5 students on the White Fire timeline, divinely assisting them to create through divine imagination their future in the heart mirror.

Each student will decide on subject they want to create with Holy Creator, as Sanat Kumara teaches them how to manifest God’s supreme authority in the desires of their heart.

Please email for information on monthly class schedule. 

Group Future Life Progression with Sanat Kumara (Minimum 5 participants) $40.00 each participant.

 Teleconference Session

Sanat Kumara's Teleconference

Sanat Kumara’s 5 Week Intensive Teleconference Classes

Registration Closed at this time


Sanat Kumara's Intensive, Private One on One, Phone Session

1 CD mailed after each session
See Notes below

If student chooses 3 consecutive sessions, cd’s will be mailed at the end of 3rd session.
If student chooses 3 sessions extended out, cd’s will be mailed separately after each session.

Sanat Kumara and Venus Cosmic Service

Teleconference Group Session – 1 hour



Price is for each person and does not include a cd of the session

Accompanying CD of Cosmic Service

Accompanying CD of Class 5


Sanat Kumara will guide in this 1 1/2 hour teleconference class creating the highest good for student. SK will gift students with divine meditation, helping brain to allow hearts benevolent grace, as holy creator manifests white fire resolution in brains awarness of ‘less than’ thoughts, feelings, actions.
SK encourages questions/sharing in class, teaching students holy tools for them to apply in their lives through conscious awareness, conscious application.

Sessions:  3 Classes per month      REGISTRATION CLOSED AT THIS TIME


“Heaven on Earth, within me first” Sanat Kumara/Venus

Registration is closed at this time

Please email for questions.

Sanat Kumara White Fire Meditation

Beloved Sanat Kumara will share through Terri Love, Heart of Sacred Fire Vibration, its application for manifesting Divine Intervention in your reality. This one hour teleconference class, is offered three times monthly. 

Please purchase the conference before the date of the class and Terri will send you the teleconference number to call.

Please email for information on monthly class schedule.






Accompanying CD of White Fire Meditation

For those of you interested, a CD will be available for purchase after the class has taken place.